Is your WordPress website mobile-friendly?

Do you have no idea whether your WordPress website is easily accessible to mobile visitors? We have put together some useful tips for you to check this. See below. Google’s mobile friendly test This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to test the mobile friendliness of your site. Fetch as Google Search Console shows how Google’s bots see your mobile WordPress site. Screenfly This handy tool from Quircktools shows how your website looks on smartphones and tablets. PageSpeed ​​Insights Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights gives a nice impression of the speed of your mobile site. Test My Site Google’s

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Woocommerce or Magento?

A frequently asked question among customers is whether they should opt for the relatively more expensive and more complex Magento (2) package or better for a WordPress website in combination. Woocommerce can go. In this blog post we outline the considerations.   Ask yourself the question It is good to ask yourself the following questions. Do I want a website with a webshop, or is it primarily a webshop? How many products will I sell? Will I only sell my products abroad or only in the Netherlands? What budget do I have available?   Benefits Woocommerce In addition to an

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Marketing Automation for WordPress and Woocommerce

Marketing automation is the automation of marketing tasks, processes and workflows with the goal of sending the right customers, users and prospects the right messages at the right time. Marketing automation is one of the most important developments in the field of e-commerce and online marketing. It is also one of the most profitable ways of marketing, because it is automatic, so you have to worry about it yourself. We have put together a number of (often free) solutions to use ‘Marketing Automation’ for your WordPress website with a Woocommerce online store. Mailchimp Well known and also free. Mailchimp has

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